
Python Module / Packages/ Libraries

Python Modules/Packages/Libraries Just like organizing a large number of files in different folders and subfolders, a module/package/library in Python also takes the concept of the same approach where multiple objects, such as classes, functions, etc. are stored. The user can also create its own module/package/library in python. There are more than 200,000+ python modules/packages/libraries to ease the users’. However, f ollowing are the best and most commonly used modules/packages/libraries. Data Science 1.        NumPy: 2.        Pandas : 3.        Metaplotlib: 4.        NLTK: 5.        OpenCV: 6.        Scipy: https://...

Data types, Variables and Type casting in python

Data Types Data types are the classification of data which bifurcate the type data for processing, before giving any command to obtain the desired result from the computer, one must have to understand the type of the data you’re dealing with. Following are the common types of data,   Text: String: it is being used to present the one or more collection of characters put in single quote or inverted commas. Syntax Str ()   print (“Hello Digital Drive”) Hello Digital Drive is a string. print ( type (“Hello Digital Drive”)) #type() function output the value of the variable Class ‘str’ Numeric: Integer: It represents the negative or positive whole numeric values. Syntax Int () print (10) 10 is an integer. print ( type (10)) #type() function output the value of the variable Class ‘int’ Float: It represents the fractional numeric values. Syntax float ()   print (10.68) 10.68 is a float. print ( type (10.68)) #t...

Print Statement, Escape Sequence and comments in Python Programming.

Print Statements: Print statement is the most important and basic function of python programming. It prints the result on the screen or any out put device. e.g. from the below mentioned print statement/coding "Hello Everyone" is the result which will be printed on output device/screen. Print Syntax print (value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False) Prints the values to a stream, or to sys.stdout by default. Optional keyword arguments: file:   a file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout. sep:    string inserted between values, default a space. end:    string appended after the last value, default a newline. flush: whether to forcibly flush the stream. Print a single value print ("Hello P-World")   Run Result will be Hello P-World   Printing multi values print ("Hello P-World","This is my first blogpost", "I hope everyone enjoying good health")   ...